On-Board Data Handling
Lead: Timo Freitag
The On-board Data Handling (OBDH) subsection focuses on OBDH and On-board Software (OBSW) development of the TRACE mission. The OBSW is running on the On-Board Computer (OBC) and part of it is taking care of common OBDH tasks for managing data and ensuring operability of the satellite
What is On-board Data Handling
Onboard Data Handling refers to the systems and processes used in satellites to manage, process, and store data generated by various subsystems and payloads. It ensures that all data generated on a spacecraft is efficiently managed and processed to support mission success and accurate scientific data collection. The main functions of OBDH include: Data Acquisition and Storage, Data Processing and Compression, Telemetry and Telecommand, Time Management, Fault Management and Autonomous Operations, Data Relay and Communication. OBDH systems are typically implemented using a combination of hardware (such as processors, memory, and communication interfaces) and software (such as operating systems, flight software, and data handling algorithms). The design of OBDH systems must take into account the harsh environment of space, including radiation, extreme temperatures, and limited power resources.
Current Projects
Our current main goal is to develop and implement the ODBH functionalities needed for the TRACE mission. This is done by the creation of the TUDSaT execution platform framework (TEPF) which is responsible for handling common OBDH tasks. The capabilities of the framework are currentlly driven by the requirements of TRACE, but it shall provide us a future proof approach for satellite development which can be reused and extended for future missions. The framework is strongly guided by the Onboard Reference Architecture (OSRA) of ESA’s Space AVionics Open Interface aRchitecture (SAVOIR) initiativ.
Other task are the development of a boatloader for the mission, which shall support in-Orbit software updates, development of drivers for our payload and other peripherals, and support for the development of software for different applications running on the satellite, such as the power, ADC or system mode management applications.
Future Projects
After TRACE has been launched, the OBDH section will take care of the maintenance of the OBSW. Furthermore, we want to extend the functionality of TEPF beyond the scope of TRACE. We also want to push for an initiativ at Bundesverband studentischer Raumfahrt (BVSR) to consolidate for such a framework on BVSR level, where all BVSR members can profit from and contribute to such a project. This shall decrease OBSW development time for future mission and the development of such can benefit from lessons learned from different missions across the BVSR. Additionally, it shall accelerate the start of new teams joining the BVSR.
Interest aroused?
Then come and visit us at one of our meetings. Our weekly meeting takes place on Discord. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact TRACE OBDH.